Sunday, July 31, 2005

Make Love To Me



I can feel the whispers in the words
holding back not one pulse
breathing intermitantly
senses bout to convulse

Cravings flair as light
ponces upon the scene
nothing but ecstacy
and its balming screen

I've loved you a thousand times
in the briefness of a thought
ravishing touches from your heart
those tingly feels you've brought

Appealing to the depths of senses
partaking only of the purest fantasy
brings on the sounds of music
when you say "Make Love To Me"

Del Cano 2005 July

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Father's Grief

Tis true. Our fathers different lay.
Yours ran the city. Mine toiled the clay.
Your sprawling cottage faced the sun.
Our flat? Barely did water run.

Your garden? Worked by a servant's hand.
Ours provided life from the land.
Both fathers voyaged through the city.
Yours, in glory, noted. Mine, hard, a pity.

Your private school? Freshly born.
Mine? Eroded, history worn.
Our fathers sought the same for us.
Yours, rode luxury. Mine, the bus.

Through the years of life we fall.
Now, "we" share this prison wall.
Though our fathers different lay.
They grieve the very same today.

Del Cano 2002 Nov


Monday, July 25, 2005

Go Find A Porno Site

You desperately lonely
ladies in cyber land 
don't  include me as
a quick lay in your plan.

Don't disparage my poems
for a come on for you
I write for "my" enjoyment
then for others to view.

So many I know
not the least about
sending pics of body parts
wields them no clout.

Sorry for your condition
your social mental downfall.
Even with my caring soul
there's no help here at all.

I don't wish to see
your digital slight of hand.
Nor your bra and panties;
show them to your man.

If you don't have one
and seeking one like me.
I think you're failing
and oh, quite miserably.

Thinking by seeing you
makes my day complete.
Telling you, when I see them
I instantly click delete.

If you find my addy blocked
it tells the real way I feel
I've loved a woman for years
as today, now, even still.

Don't mind a tease or flirt
been known to do it myself
if you think of me as the porno king
better lay the idea back on the shelf

So, don't waste your time
I'm a simple man who writes
If your soul is that lonely
find yourself some porno sites.

You desperately lonely
ladies in cyber space
Please choose another
here you'll find no space.

Del Cano 2005 July



This in no way implies those of you who recieved this poem from me are guilty of the infractions I speak. The parties who are the shamefull ones have found they are blocked from sending me mail. As stated I write basically for personal enjoyment and the pleasure of those who read me. Being fully mature adults we should be able to enjoy the art of sensual and/or erotic writes without being accosted by non or wayward thinking folk. Comments or suggestions are encouraged. Thank you all.




Sunday, July 24, 2005

Might I Request

Might I request
just of a bit of you
a taste of the exotic
a dish of lovin too.
Might I ask for a touch
I know your special way
that deep tingling yearn
you rev up each day.
If I beg a taste or two
a wallow in supreme
I promise to return the joy
in lovin to extreme.
I pledge a trip to ecstacy
we both so need to ride
and soar the wildness
of sensual eventide.
The stirrings you give
a really sweet refrain
touches my every fiber
makes me like insane.
Raises the heat
to maximum glow
like shooting stars
cross heavenly flow.
Might I request
my portion for today
the bursting joyfulness 
as you beam my way.
Del Cano 2005 March 
 May we wallow in joint mental climes.

Feel So Right

Let us hang together
in the moon lit dust of joy.
A sort of dangling around
the type of love we employ.

Let us continue to be
so sensitive to the theme
of merriment and laughter
dashing towards our dream.

Be us so outstanding
yet softly to the touch
even the tiniest of a creature
gets noticed from us.

Love sketches on a canvass
details bubble over in delight.
This tenderness of heart, shared
must be blessed to feel so right.

Del Cano 2004 October




Feels Like Sin

This almost feels like a sin
that powerful bit of pleasure
you seem to place me in
yet the thrill is a treasure

No cheap thrills or a wink
any tantilizing sweet grin
makes my soul to sink
This almost feels like sin.

Del Cano 2004

Sweet Morning

Tenderness swells within
as the morn shows its light
the day springs forth
to add to life's delight

Birds singing their tunes
awaking you with warning
nothing but a soothing touch
introducing "A Sweet Morning".

Del Cano


Someone Wrote Of You

Oh, but had you looked
you might have seen
someone wrote of you
within a joyous gleam
and when the mail was answered
to speak of isles in the sea
the writer was so sleepy
he dosed right off on thee
tho the words got scrambled
with thoughts of a Midnight Chat
they were just attempting
to tell her where its at
Weaving twixt thoughts
of soaring beyond the skies
words danced to the heavens
before  twas realized
No offense intended
sweet and lingering thought
portioned in the frame
of all the joy you've brought
Tenderness of verses
I soak within and claim
massage myself with them
as if they had my name
From lack of fulfillment
the need to take a trip
sails me to islands of the sea
love dripping from each lip
When the waves do subside
soul cleaned and not too shady
I return to the daily grind
and read of Master Poet Lady
Del Cano 2005 February

Share Your Emptiness With Me

you invite love then run
you hide from the source
then you huddle in a ball
to be a negative force.

you tell yourself its over
love can not be for you
reach out just far enough
to spark a dream come true

then go hide in your hollow
that abyss of your mind
preferring to hide from love
of any type or any kind

how easy it could be
to fall in love and ride
the feathers of pleasure
being kept by your side

yet you run each time
a feeling comes thru
preferring to hide from it
keeping love away from you

I know the lonliness
we share the way it be
wish you would not run
share your emptiness with me

Del Cano 2004 November

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Our Last Goodbye

I can feel the power
the way it ought to be
but goodbyes are hard
endings touch sadly

on the other hand
they can mean a new start
a way to grow and renew
to put joy back in the heart

I read you here and feel
like I need to share a cry
oh, the Bittersweet recall
"I Taste Our Last Goodbye"

Del Cano 2005 June

Tho I've Been There

Though I have been there
depressed and so down
learned to make it all go
now beam the sun around

See, I finally learned
I must depend on me
never lean on the world
to make you happy.

I looked deep within
no matter the piles of it
tell that imposture, satan
he has no diminon, so skit

Do not allow the world
to beat you to a pulp
drink from the fountain of love
yes, take big sips, gulp.

Make your own paths
don't be lead off astray
and grab hold tightly
love your self more each day.

Del Cano 2005 July

You Light My Fire

I grin from the experience
the comfort zone of you
but the wonder remains
what do you intend to do.

Her drippingly teasing words
dangle me, always, on the edge.
Not always a straight thought
don't need a specific pledge.

But it would be really nice
to figure what makes you wow
cause your flirtatiousness
draws me deeply, and how.

No matter what, you thrill
and light up my latent desire
stoke the hell out of my passion
light me up like a raging fire.

Del Cano 2005

You Evoke Rumblings

You evoke rumbling thoughts
from the serene to sublime
from angelic queen like
to master of sexual brime.
You stroke the strings
and get me singing
and always certainly touch
bells to get them ringing.
You reach with a soft touch
yet always start a storm
within the soul of me
and lock me in your arms.
You knocked me off my perch
that stoic display I kept
and massage the inner parts
till my heart has sorely wept
You create tremblimgs
jar even the finer points
rock me till I am soaked
in cravings and wants
You, my dear, the power
I use to stay abreast
Feel secure and safe
within your loving nest.
I so love the way
you hold me tight
shadow my dreams
in the heat of the night.
As well, the daytime
is a striking allure
the needs you bring
so pleasantly pure
You smile me sunshine
on the cloudiest of day
twinkles from your eyes
beam bright my way
I am so totally smitten
by the "YOU" who you are
and am so amazed at how
you raised love's bar.
Can't fight the craves
nor this tremendous feeling
the fullness of thoughts of you
keeps my soul  a reeling.
Del Cano 2005 
See how you insire me?

You Are

You are the crème in my coffee
The butter on my bread.
You are the dressing on my salad
the main thought in my head.

You are the whole meal
And even the dessert.
You are the soothing balm
When my joints start to hurt.

You are the comb
I pass through my hair.
You are the fire
That burns down there.

You are the need
Which always fulfills.
You are my warmth
When I feel a chill.

You are the giver
When I need a little shove
You are the woman
Who provides my love.

You are the inspiration
When I get down low.
You are the rescue
When I need a place to go.

You are the smile
When the world is a frown.
You are the uplift
When my heart is down.

So, doesn't it make sense
There's nothing left to do
There's not a damn thing else for me
But to keep on loving you.

Del Cano 2005

You Are My Sunshine

There's the sun shining by day
that ole moon glowing at night
but your song, that special love
is what keeps my world bright.

Got nothing gainst the moon
nor the sun's sparkling rays
but with your abundant love
I know I got joyful days.

Like the twinkling stars
shining again and again
your love and you
is my sun even in the rain.

The heavenly bodies, Ok!
To satisfy this heart of mine
all it takes is you, my love
cause you are "My" sunshine.

Del Cano 2004 October

You Are Contentment

I oft wonder why
you're special to me
cause you are comfort
contentment, you see.

When I am down
I turn to your way
listen quite openly
for what you say.

Always so joyful
passing out the keys
pure in your intent
make happy and please.

Oft times I wish
to tuck you in my soul
let you recite words
your flavor never old.

I'll just sit and pray
be glad you are there
here in this world
or soaring somewhere.

Del Cano 2005

You Touch My Soul

You always touch my soul
when you come close to me.
Love is a promotion of yours
selling both joy and glee

You touch me ever so softly
with the glow in your eyes
and I’m held affixed to you
as if  being hypnotized.

You are an amazing lady
to have the passions you do;
though I may not need to say
I am totally enthralled by you.

You always kiss my soul
planting sparkling bits of light.
Your sweet aroma rises
like incense aflow at night.

You are my love specialist
more precious than even gold.
My love for you increases, cause
you always touch my soul.

Del Cano  2004


Been wondering bout
those who critique
seem to say the same
rarely are they unique.

Read a nice poem 
just the other day
a critiquer jumped to note
it had in it a cliche.

When did that get to be
a problem with a write.
Who made a rule
cliches can't be alright.

Correcting grammar
or meaning of a word
are good points
we all have heard.

But for a critiquer
to throw out a complaint
about whats good
and just what aint;

seems to me a bit far
a stretch to say the least.
What gives them the right
to trash a writers piece.

If you are going to critique
keep in mind it was writ
by someone else whose
muse, till then, hadn't quit.

But if you are't careful
you'll shut down the flow
of both prose and poetry
or at least writers will go.

I had an experience
good at every turn
critiquers read my write
showed new stuff to learn.

Helped make it good
no, better than the rest
and I am gratefull
the poem is one of my best.

So critiquers, be careful
when you add your touch.
Please be careful not to
trash the write too much.

Del Cano 2005 July

Yearning Ache

The power of the yearn
comes thru as a soft yell
yet due to the searing burn
its not very hard to tell.

I too share the aches
when I am left right here
crave her touch's quake
her kisses sloppy smear.

I am but a mold she cast
formed in the image of desire
love vapors rise to last
she sets my soul on fire.

Del Cano 2005 February

A Poem Apart

Woman, you just have to stop.
Stop this mighty incessant quest.
You know that I will follow you
Is that not a secret you've guessed.

Damn, you've hung my heart
From a limb of a mighty tree
like a feather drawn, teased
and softly whispered to me.

Watching you spread wings
Angelic and mighty broad
I melt from the luster you glow
Am lavished and so awed.

Follow you? To other worlds?
Not a second thought I need
Your beckoning finger's call
like a fulfilling planted seed.

Lady, you did not tell me
Our trip might last so long
Nor that I would hear the words
To such a sweet new love song.

I just can't miss this ride
No doubt I know I'm smitten
From mountain tops and stars
To every heaven that's written.

Arms out stretched, spinning
the sight of you atop the world
is matchless in its beauty as
you shout, swing and twirl.

I am so fortunate I can see
The wonder of your charms
But I stay just out of range,
the reach, of your loving arms.

You see, lady, I can not go
To the same special places
We can, however share our thoughts
but shun all those jealous faces.

For now, can you cut me down
From this really old tired tree
So I can rest a bit from sensations
And all this deep melancholy.

Know, wherever you might be,
I am never away too far.
I'm just a whisper, a song, a prayer,
A poem from where you are.

Del Cano 2003

Without You

 I must studder bout us
darkness veiled the light
twas my fingers touch
you felt the other night.

You said it couldn't be
till he was gone away
your tears brought the pain
seems it was here to stay.

As you felt in the dark
touched me instead
and as those thrills rolled
kept him in your head.

Me, just a fill in, I know
nothing else I could do
it was so difficult to go on
and live "Without You".

DelCano 2004 October

Who Are You, Really

Oh, who are you, really
that you give such a thrill
just the softest of your touch
gives me such a tingly feel.

How do you raise so much
pleasure that startles and aches
and my senses jerk violently
like tiny little earthquakes.

you raise all feelings aloft
drive sensualism to the sky
and goodness, dear lady
you are the apple of my eye.

Del Cano 2004

Where Do We Go From Here

Ok now, you done said it
we've talked thru the trust
just got to tell how we feel
easy how you speak of lust.

you done raised spirits
got your own sort of fashion
a multitude of feelings
but number one is passion.

Actions speak louder
than words do, my dear.
All that you've said is good
where do we go from here.

All that said and declared
your sensualness gripping
desires raised to a height
wanton lust nearly dripping.

Are you too blind to see
you've only lit a big fire
always speaking of wants,
sensualness and desire.

Talk is cheap, dear lady
action speaks more clear
now that we've got this far
where do we go from here.

You speak of your craft
how marvelous you please
beginning to wonder if
this was only a tease.

Every word rings so clear
as you say so matter of fact
time to step up; prove if
its real or simply an act.

Please do me a favor
I too have a bit of fear
but lets get off dead center
where do we go from here.

DelCano 2004 August


Where Do Angels Go To Die

Dear, your strobe certainly has shown
beyond the average beam's spreading glow
teaching us the heights to which you've grown 
massaging  words putting on a mighty show.

Your judgement layed out ideas like new seed;
heavenly entanglements nearly caused me to cry.
Like you, "growing older, not desiring life to speed"
I too must wonder, "where do angels go to die".

Del Cano-2004 July

When I Touch Your Hand

When I reach and touch your hand
I feel an agreement of words
sailing as a single heart, elated
all shifted and divided by thirds.
The sun, beaming its noon time heat
the moonglow with its rings of love
my soul, enamored with joy
singing all praises to heaven above.

Del Cano 2004

Yes, Love, we do sail as a duo. (Smile)

What Could I Write?

In a way we are hucksters
hawking ideas and feelings
we sell the way it is or
just maybe the peelings

oft times we reach farther
and touch on a soft spot
or splain how we have stuff
just like the others got

But maybe in the selling
we reach emotions hidden
and cause some to stir
where it used to be forbidden

and promote some love
or even a caring touch
on someone whose been
lacking it... bout that much

You could ask a few questions
maybe shed a bit of light
and be the answer when
they ask, "What Could I Write".

DelCano 2005
In response to poem of the same name by dpg3 (Doug)

We Love To Fly

Have you not awakened
felt a wonderful rush of bliss?
No matter what is to be faced
your heart just wants to kiss?

Having my feet touch the floor
is a blessing I'm thankful of
another opportunity to shout
of heaven's lovely white dove.

Of course you have, love shows
we share of love's delight
fight and strive to spread it all
within each poetic write.

Just to spread our wings
show twinkles in the eye
jump and soar to the heavens;
dear God, how "WE" love to fly.

Del Cano 2004

Ummm Hmmm

I smack my lips in haste
but try to get the taste
want to kiss that face
can't hide the grace
jeans or silk n lace
nothing there to waste
well grounded base
breaths in a race
picking up the pace
fingers yearn to trace
every sultry space
arms round her waist
body getting braced
hands well placed

first kiss

Del Cano 2005 July


Colorful Sails In the Wind

Ah naturale or permed
braids, pony tail or tails
the view from my vantage
nothing but colorful sails.

A breezy fresh wind
blowing over my way
adds a bit of umph
to a normally dull day.

In morning's early light
often before the sun arrives
I peep at your picture
to be soaked by your eyes.

Awashed in your presence
bathed in a "Tarrying View"
Twinkles drenching me
like drops of morning dew.

A sultry smile beams
enlightening morning dawn.
The essence of your womanhood
floats like a lovely swan.

Unscaved by life's trenches
standing tall yet gently firm.
Spreading fodder of joy
a sort of healing sperm.

I'm left with pleasant sighs
when touched by your calm.
At the edge of startling clarity
you soothe like a balm.

So, my days get a good shove
long as I'm touched by your hand.
That soft undulating massage
given without an obvious plan.

I hold onto the IMs
leave my puter on;
Hoping even your image
enhances passion spawned.

Your bubbly presence
begs me to come see
that powerful smile
beaming joy over me.

Like a bay of ships
colorful sails in the wind
I bathe in the aura of you
and all the joy you send.

Del Cano 2005 July




Friday, July 22, 2005

Lets See What I Can say

Let me see what I can say
to put your questions to rest
my thoughts do range from
from teasing to the very best

when you introduce
the passions which you do
feel a flamming heat
from being so near to you

 yes, is the answer
I say with feverent words
you cause my heart to sing
like flocks of mocking birds

 your smile lights up
the very sky of my soul
each time you beam it
you leave a sensual mold

there's a preciousness
a radiant sensual glow
as you move about my world
or where ever you may go

I can only respond
by telling you, my dear
no matter where you are
I wish that you were here

I hope my words
did answer your inquiry
that you always leave me
with emotions dancing firey

be blessed till next time
we share a moments glance
till then I 'll think of you
in thoughts of love's romance

Del Cano 2005 July        

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A Tarrying view

yoo hoo, always glad
to know you waved
its them sparkles
from you I save


I take a lingering peep
each morning at yo eyes
soak in all the joy
they so mesmerize

take a tarrying view
of your stunning face
deeply massaging me
with wanton grace

as I wallow intently
in shadows you cast
I'm dribbled in history
of your life's own past

spose I call you
my pedestal Queen
mounted high on the
angst you've seen

yet, thru all the yesterdays
you emerged just right
fully aware, loving, poetic
I savor your sight

Oh, dont mind me much
take this for what its worth
a man seeing a real woman
in the mist of his morning flirt

Del Cano 2005  July


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Closing Of Night and Day


I wonder where the darkness goes
when daylight does appear.
It seems to crack a smile
when the sun is coming near.

Wonder how the sun knows
when night is coming around.
It simply waits till twilight
then smiles on the way down.

The closing of the day
marks the closing world's eye.
The sun setting patiently
waves to the world, "Goodbye"!!!

Del Cano 2002 Nov



Monday, July 18, 2005

Goodnight World

I did see the skies
clearly thru your eyes
sparkling blanket of blue
perfectly pointed by you.

The sun slides down
leaving a hue of gold
inviting the night to twinkle
quite crisp and bold 

With such a backdrop
so pleasant to tell
an evening so perfect
allows all.... to sleep well

Goodnight world  

Del Cano 2005 July
Inspired by a Perfect Evening entry by Southernmush
in her Diary

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Dem Eyes

Dem eyes are sparkling
like the twinkle of a star
seem to be flashing a tune
picking strings on a guitar.

Dem there eyes are shining
pointing at me so direct
sweetly piercing deeply
as if to openly inspect.

Up in that corner
beaming so bright
a corner stone of lust
a marvelous delight.

Every ray so brilliant
splashing over me.
Can barely look that way
to the depths of her sea.

Dem there eyes are lovely
a wow if there ever was.
Almost like forever
I run from the cause.

Dem eyes are sweet
rapturing me in sighs.
Breathless, when I face
Dem there eyes.

Del Cano 2005 July


Bustin Loose

I feel the need to bust loose
get out of that box you fixed
taped up the sides and folded
seems you want me unmixed.

I am not one dimensional
nor fit neatly within your scope.
Expectations are rarely simple
making it harder for one to cope.

I react within and out of the box
at times just need to be alone.
Walk away from contacting folks
and bury that damn phone.

Your devotion, always been clear
but you fall over yourself to help.
Never allowing me room to waver 
or to flutter like seaweed kelp.

Can't I just scream and yell out
sometimes just to find my inner soul.
You want to scoop me up and hug
smother me within your mold.

Hugs and kisses are always nice
as is loving from one who cares.
Yet, at times need to sit on the porch
alone, give the stars a lingering stare.

No way you can feel the emotion,
the trauma I might feel inside
when she falls off into that abyss
that seizurey awful hidden ride.

Recovery is slow and painful
striking at whatever might be.
I have to ride it out with her
slowly return from that dark sea.

Then I need time to recover
from the sorrow and the waves.
That scary wonderment of hell
asking will the next time be saved.

Nothing can massage the hurt;
no planning nor joining force.
Crying, screaming, yelling loudly
serves only to make me hoarse.

Certainly in a normal world
I could and would speak clearly
and respond to your need to be
the smotherer, loving dearly.

Yet my world is not normal
nor in that neatly wrapped box.
It slips and slides on a slope
as if always fishing from rocks.

Your heart is pure and full
to always want to appease
yet leaves not an inch of space
for me to step out and squeeze.

You must at sometimes ask
or at least give a thought
could you be overreacting
if I don't respond as you sought.

To be on the alert is good
to wait may be even better.
But can't you allow a little space
beyond your created letter.

To be disappointed and angry
because "you" chose to wait.
Not considering my emotions
are always heavy at the gate.

My response to your pain
is not going to rub your itch.
Maybe you need to look closer
at the way I toss and twitch.

Poncing on me when suffering
leaves no room to get out
of that box you alone create
as your anger builds to a pout. 
I need room to suffer in peace
to recover from my confusion.
Your hurt comes from your own
created thoughts of illusion.

Cause I didn't or don't run to you
each time I am rocked with hurt
spills the milk of contention
like a busted spout that spurts.

Try a little tenderness and relax
maybe even some Mother Goose.
My box is open but at times 
I feel the need to bust loose.

Del Cano 2005 July





Like A Block Of Ice

Like a block of ice
left out in the sun
love can melt easily
when no work is done

Without a partnership
devotion to the team
love withers as fast
as heated ice ceam

All the talk in the world
can't halt a melt down
when each is clamoriing
to wear the lead crown

Ain't no real leaders
in a couples lair
when both struggle
to stretch out there

Words need weighing
voices need the truth
love can't be built
cramped in a booth

Open up and spread
allow room to grow
hear the other's need
you oughta know  

Like a block of ice
left out in the sun
without devotion
love is all done.

Del Cano 2005 July


Of Its Affects (Revisited)

I hear the sounds bouncing
from each corner of the valley
and as they veer off every rock
reverbs too numerous to tally.

But each ricochet has a target
to touch the deepest parts
some will certainly hit a spot
way down deep in their hearts.

So, you go on sing your song
raise your voice up real high
knowing the ease of heaven
shall touch someone's lonely eye.

And never you give doubt
that your words are not corrects
for no matter what be said
some are moved "Of Its Effects".

Del Cano

Come Out And Play

The playground's bare
not a soul wants to play
busy watching TV
on this crisp lovely day.

Lets romp around a bit
sniff lavender in the air
lets play hop scotch
if I promise to be fair.

Come out and play
I need your child-like wit
as pure as mother's milk
let's run, jump, laugh a bit.

Get on the see saw
I'll lift you up way high
or ride the maypole
like sailing in the sky.

Let's romp around, enjoy
the memories in style
reach back to our youth
play for a little while.

Come out and play for a while
let your heart relax, unfurl
so we can revisit the times
I was a boy and you a girl.

The entire playground
empty to my melancholy view
a stage set for creations
with pleasant thoughts of you.

Del Cano 2004 September

Come Play With Me

Chile, I woke up with a start
had you strongly on my heart
in the middle of the night, not day
hoping you could come out to play
don't know when to find you
never can tell when your time is due
just keep on searching in and out
perhaps I'll find when you're about
spreading those lillies in the field
got me stumped, I must yield
but I still got the need to just say
wish you could come out and play.

Del Cano 2004

Flakes Of Flames

It gripped me in a lip lock
held me in wonderous kiss
massaged my joyful soul
while sensuality ran amiss.
Blead down and drained
till my body fell to a lemp
ruffled my mind pass the point
to nearly boiling body temp.
Yet for a moment I was buried
thought you had called "MY" name
I shall just have to cherish
moments imagined in "Flakes of Flame".

"reviving old desires with a thread the length of centuries span"
Del Cano

To Someone Special

You spoke of my capacity
The one I have to love
Please know it’s not mine
But starts with God above.

I’m not the one to hold it
The credit needs it’s just due
My capacity to love
Is partially caused by you.

Having you near me
Pours joy into my heart
Lifting my every thought
And each day a brighter start.

Please keep it straight
when you do give it thought
you have to add some credit
for all the joy YOU’VE brought.

Del Cano

Have A Blessed Day

Just stopping by to say hello
and bid you a good day
wishing for you to know
these are the things I say
so as you walk thru all this
work or just fiddle round
I wish for you a time of bliss
and feet firmly on the ground
but if you are a lot like me
and keep love deep within
you'll take flight, you see
and not tell where you've been
that way you can have joy
even inspite of this old world
and your heart can be coy
while you dance and twirl
for those tunes in your head
keep hope alive in your soul
while thinking bout what I said
then "JOY" shall never get old.

Have a blessed day!

Del Cano 2004

Tears Washed Out

Each of your words "is"
truly infinate in its scope
their vibrations endlessly
radiating the lesson of hope.

Don't feel disillusioned
in your desire to spread the light
the joyous trips will grip
many and set them to flight.

You will not be alone
while knocking at heaven's door
heaven's sacred dance
will touch many by the score.

O, so many, a precious view
warmth scattered all about
finally thrust, in the lap of love
joyously, "Tears Washed Out".

Del Cano 2004

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Garden Of Peace

I breathe in the scents
each smells of joy today
and plants themselves
nicely in a lovely bouquet

I read your words
a soothing release
and swell from them
in your "Garden of Peace"

Del Cano 2005 April

And I Run To You


All time comes to a halt
your vision glows in front of me
Ravisihing my senses
no less than ecstatically.
Rumblings stir my soul
as it always will do
breathlessly excited
and I run to you. 
Del Cano 2005 June

My Secret

Might I share a secret
been clamoring to tell.
Words been wanting to spill
but I've held them well.

Not another soul has heard
my heart say what I've needed
In the cascading of passions
my soul has nearly bleeded.

Yet, kept my mouth shut
till this, this minute in time.
Its been a secret I have kept
close to this heart of mine.

Glad to get it off my chest
been swelling like a balloon.
But think its time to let it go
and I am going to real soon.

But right now is not the time
seems I need at least a bit more
to put it in proper perspective
as I slide over closer to the door.

Shucks! What the hell
now it ain't like I broke a law.
Its just that I been for a while now
deeply in love with a "Grand Ma".

 Del Cano 2005 July 

Feeling Your Presence

Feel your presence
radiating my need
storming a blast
you planted the seed.

Arousal, a side affect
nothing less than, wow
thrilling my sensual side
then and just like now

A punctual auger's rim
deeply digging each time
never a waver from affects
rocking these senses of mine.

Slathering me with sauce
the condiments you brew
never failing  to awe me
with the presence of you.

Del Cano 2005 July  

Have blessed day. Spencer

Standing In A Daze

Standing with mind in a daze
how some people live their lives.
Rubbing me the wrong way
yet, never do they apologize.

As I drive my way to where ever
trash from the car in front blows.
The lack of signals to tell us
what you're doing, no one knows.

Standing with mind in a daze
terrorized by your lack of care.
Cell at ear, yelling at child in back
ignore driving as you comb hair.

Major intersections, a zoo
accousted with multi begging cups.
Each in turn has a tale of woe
which so easily erupts.

Standing with mind in a daze
ignoring children's needs.
Families racked with pain
as each soul begins to bleed.

Narry a thought arises
as wayward minds float
in an absence of consideration
they rise with ignorant bloat.

Standing with mind in a daze
viewing the horror of dumb.
Belittling the grace of society
is making me awefully numb.

Where did we drop off reality
and allow this terrible mar.
We gave up on "Love thy neighbor"
and in its place a nasty scar.

Standing with mind in a daze
not coping with these frivilous ways.
Call me old fashion or out of touch
I loathe these heathonist days.

Awash in the stench of appathy
no one accepts the blame.
Just sue anyone who dares
to even mention their name.

Standing with mind in a daze
a catastrophy to address.
Lacking the lasting energy
have worn out all my best.

So forlon I feel in it
a spiraling circus pit.
Not only venting
but writing till I quit.

Del Cano 2005 July  


I've gazed too often
not seeing a gem
till you appeared
a fleeting whim

yet since  

the sun shines
even at midnight
and Lady Moon
never out of sight

Dawn is a color
delicate, like lace
weaving a love fabric
with each "Trace"

 Del Cano 2005 February

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Bottomless Pit



How deep is the love when
it seems like a bottomless pit.
Tho no longer around me
the pulsing just won't quit.

A shame when the attraction
as well as the longing too
fails to provide enough balance
to allow us to make it thru.

Philosophical differences
killed the golden goose;
kept the future clouded
neither would turn it loose.

No way to keep it alive
when doubt and pain arise
leaving stains from the tears
in well cried out eyes.

Too stubborn to hear
or understand the other's way.
Trying to force a balance
kept adding stress to the day.

Between each kiss and hug
crept a questioning glance.
A killer if their ever was one
to any budding romance.

Oh, there were moments
filled with sheer delight
but the strain of distrust
was too heavy a plight.

At times when I'd stop
she bumped right into me.
At first thought it was cute
till I realized her uncertainty.

Other doubts started to show
as we rode the waves in sync.
Teasing on some subjects
soured the fantasy in a blink.

Like toting a load up hill
a battle for any tired soul.
The weight of it all, too much
even a strain to play a role.

Too sensitive to past trials
to allow questions to dangle
Sensual  wants and needs
got caught up in the rangle.

Making love while wondering
can kill the deepest passion.
Mind sets stuck on idealogical
criteria hurts compassion.

I am left wondering
why the pulsing won't quit.
Could be my measurement
is close to the bottomless pit.

Del Cano 2005 July


Ripples In The Rug


This ache only lingers.
Knowing it won't dissappear
hope it settles to numbness
but my doubts make me fear.  

So difficult to find clarity
when ears are plugged
to other's struggling voice
when there's a ripple in the rug.  

Duty bound to respond
to outburst of creeping pain.
When a constant declaration
tells one of the coming rain.  

Each infraction imagined
creates more than a crack
when the coupling of a team
shows such constant lack.  

Stuck on stupid must be
intelligence big waste.
Philosophizing acceptance
to the flavor of your own taste.  

Of course we all will stumble
when debris presents a tug.
The trash of doubt trips us
when there's a ripple in the rug.  

This ache still lingers
like a scratch not healed
cause the juice of an orange
irritates when its pealed.  

Constant struggling
always defending truth 
finding her forever acting
like a high paid sleuth.  

Doubts seem to me
the crushing blow of love.
Never allowing ease of order
but always a painful shove.  

Lovers who wish to share
can't hold on to dubious ways.
Expectations flounder
and adds to the pain of days.  

As this lurching ache
hangs on like a disgusting hug
reality tells me, its over, cause
there's too many ripples in the rug.  

Del Cano 2005 July

Tuesday, July 5, 2005

She Writes Forever


She writes forever in my heart
touches the fibers of each cell.
As I reached the embers burning
encountered stories I need to tell.

Difficult words needed forming
so hard to bring up the meaning.
For all I faced in sensitivities
love was my prop for leaning.

She touched many places
had no knowledge was there.
As she beamed her forever eyes
was startled by her loving flair.

Never less than stunning
always encompassing me.
Reaching without effort
waves of a pleasant sea.

I see a satiate fulfilment
always welling my heart
as well a continious flow
of passions gripping tart .

She is forever dessert
once the meal has been served.
I stay so swelled in pleasure
beyond what I may deserve.

She writes forever in my heart
a stage of such beautiful prose.
Always on display as my bouquet
of the finest long stemmed rose.

Del Cano 2005 July

Sunday, July 3, 2005

A Balladeer Is Lost


A balladeer beyond the norm
he sung of love's best touch.
No less than a sparkling voice
I loved his songs so much.

He spoke both good and bad
where love dared to grow
and sung soothing melodies
so easy to learn to know.

Ever struggling with his weight
as well diabetes a clamber too.
He suffered a massive stroke
which racked his body thru.

I can only say to you
a great balladeer is lost.
We mourn his death and miss
soulfoul, "Luther  Vandross".

Del Cano 2005 July

Midnight Stroll

  So sweet a walk hand in hand
as we float a midnight stroll.
The moon casting its loving glow
while on its nightly roll.

Sweet, the scent of flower's bloom
upon the evening breeze.
Tingly my hand upon your breast
with yours upon my knees.

Ever sweet the murmerings
licking nothings in our ear.
Fantasies upon the beach 
stretching to love right here.

Sweet for me to step between
our whispers and our sighs
Sweet I feel to lose myself
in dreams between your thighs.

DelCano 2005 July

Saturday, July 2, 2005

Coffee, Sunrise and You

Its a wee hour of the morning
thoughts drift over your way.
Been missing you last night
but I wish you a blessed day.

Coffee, hot and full flavored
like I feel 'bout you right now.
My heart is poofed with "US"
presenting you with a bow.

Thoughts seem to overwhelm
playing a video of our love.
Sharing freely with each other
fits like a brand new glove.

With each sip I'm tasting you.
Your aroma is nothing less
than  a sensual massage
enveloping me with the best.

In this early hour of the morning
many pleasant thoughts abound.
Coffee with the sunrise and you
such treasures I have found.

Del Cano 2005 July


Friday, July 1, 2005


As posted in Point Counterpoint Thursday, June 30, 2005 The path we make...

Walking along your journey, you happen to turn around to reflected on moments past. When you notice a figure walking along your path. This figure is far away in the distance, that part in the path you trekked long ago. The figure becomes familiar-you realize it is one of your children walking the same path that you, yourself have. Your actions? Reactions? Emotions?

Gem's response {Journally Yours}:

Title: My child, if you want to walk with me...
As I travel along my journey
I see ahead of me life's endless possibilities.
At the present time I halt my adventure and glimpse back
Reminiscing some of the memories I left behind
 Recollecting the lessons I learned from way back.
  In recalling to mind the bitterness and wholesome of life
There were legends of my own unbearable to contain nor neglect
I haunt my past and deny myself of the moment 
Unconsciously hanging on to my unresolve circumstances.

Finally I have come to a choice
Armed with determination to live life to the fullest.
I look back for one last time
To forgive, to let go and finally bury
Past joys and tears I could no longer carry.
  Behind me, all along, a familiar shadow was peeking
 A child of mine she sure is and no other.
At a distance I can see the gleams in her eyes
But a closer look her glare steadies at a brickwall
There was an energy...a lacking of self-restraint
Not I or even herself could see the rays of hope in the end.

Since exploration of  living lies before her
I reached out to caress her innocence in wills and reasons.
If my fate is to cast a shadow of my reflections
Then it's only noble to yield the path to one of my own. 

"My child, if you choose to walk my path
Then let your heart's desire guide you.
There will be things I wouldn't want you to go through
But I trust Almighty God that he wouldn't leave you."

"If ever you stumbled upon undesirable rocks
Remember that I am walking too
Not ahead of you nor behind you
But just near enough...right beside you."

"My child, if you desire to walk with me
A pure blessings is showered your way
I regret not one thing specially you are here."

"If it's your destiny to walk my way
Then grab on to my hand whenever needed
Let's tackle these together and remember always
God will never give you, them or us anything we can not ever handle." (end.)
  {Gem ;-) }  

Spencer's response {Spencer's Place}:  

Often I think about how I got where I am today and how many paths I trekked to reach this destination. When young and still wet behind the ears with the naivete of a new born I always did more than one task to earn a living. My father had firmly planted a multitude of creative seeds in his children and stressed education as a way to insure increased opportunity to a more comfortable life. He and Mom raised seven children and contributed greatly to the needs of many neighborhood kids.
Being one not to be "ordinary" I always strived for something different and was not attracted by many of the normal teenage and young adult entertainment activities. I sung in local groups and duets with others in a string of entertainment venues in and around the St. Louis area as well occasionally tripped to other Midwestern cities to perform. Never having a goal to be an entertainer I did so to save and invest money until the glamor wore off and I felt the angst of the entertainment world become too uncomfortable for me.
I pictured myself as sort of a young Wall Street broker in training to earn investment funds. By the time I was in my mid twenties I owned real estate investment properties and had a nice nest egg in which to get a head start in life. I in turn tried to plant similar seeds in my two daughters. To encourage them to be well rounded and make plans to not always depend on a "job" for a living.
From my view I had a wild young adult life in that I was driven to learn about everything I could that was not an "ordinary living" for those of us who came from our neighborhood.  While many, even those with college experience, ended up in packing houses, auto and airline assembly plants and a cadre of similar endeavors I took another route. With the cushion of savings and investments I ventured out into learning about trading commodities such as coal, grains, lumber and other similar products. It provided for a stimulating living and travel to most parts of the world. Yet, no matter what I did when I felt weary or needed recharging I always went to construction. To tear down and rebuild a porch, garage or to move or repair a wall provided a constant source of stimulation and satisfaction.
My youngest daughter was always thrilled by the activity involved in construction and loved to demolish structures. Then became excited by the prospect of designing and building anew. Thinking it was only a youngster flirting with excitement her mother and I  didn't put much stock in her saying she wanted to do that for a living.  But as the years passed she became more enamored with the idea and did in fact prepare herself to build and design structures. She got a degree in architectural engineering and design.
Now after a few years of working on projects for companies and hospitals she is chopping at the bit to join me in building homes but add a design/build phase to it.  Just as I am preparing for retirement "again" I am considering going into business with my daughter. The idea is striking and I am proud she is in an industry I so enjoy but emotionally I may not be ready for her zeal and fortitude. I am tired and worn and though she infuses some sparks in me I would hate to let her down. I am on a slow pace looking at the end of the work road while she is on fire with ideas and plans and look to me to help her get launched.
I see myself as a young adult in her and can't fault her aggressive nature which she inherited. Her creativity is outstanding and wears me out with continued new ideas as well as her set goals. I look up to her for having so much of what I have lost in the years of fighting to have the opportunity to be able to do those things many of my peers only dreamed of doing.  I am in awe at her energy and activity levels with goals already stretched out to cover years beyond my potential time to work. I am working now due to necessity "only" and not for some created reason due to boredom.
She is enthused not only by the effort leading up to the construction of something but the idea of being there during each step of the way as it is built. I have lost a lot of that glazing in that once I get through the fight necessary to get it started I feel vindicated and the action of building does not have the same thrill it once had for me. I see a potential light returning with its shine brightly restoring some of my lost determination and aggressive behavior but deep down inside I know that if I do in fact go into business with my daughter I will never retire. I will die on site with a hammer or saw in my hand. Together we have the potential to be a force to reckon with because I know I can't start something half heartedly. And I know I will not cheat her by not giving my all.
Oh, the paths we travel to arrive where we are today. I might just consider her being my shadow fighting along the same paths I went. She is in the truest sense of the word her daddy's child and a reflection of his image and desire.
Well, the thoughts are strong
must make a decision, I oughta.
A new sign is being made
Design and Build by
"Spencer and Daughter"