I certainly can tell
you blossomed here today
as each petal unfolds
exposes more of you that way
Bright and thrilling
a picture of rebirth.
Firmly rooted in knowing
you are the salt of my earth.
So glad you stand tall
with a strong will to say
I am making a new life
with "Just A Short Delay."
Del Cano 2005 March
Oh I love this one. Especially the last few lines. Suh gentle loving happy emotion. Lovely!
Bravo Spennie
There is a gentleness about this write, Spence. I could actually feel the softness of it. This write is soothing. Keep It Up!
Ms PScott
I am in a point of my life
where everything is spinnin like
I am in a bull fight or maybe
just in Florida durin one of these days
where George decides to show up
Your poem allowed me to see
that afterall Im capable
capable of a fresh start
a new start that is givin to me
by something Im not able to feel
all the time but today I do
I feel strong and patient
Maybe it is my day
The day I get up and start all over again
with just a litle delay
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