Sunday, February 20, 2005

Stirrings Of The Pleasant Kind

Oh, what a calming spirit
a sense of peace in the air.
Such gentleness abiding
as I stepped within there.

Each poem touched
huddled in a group hug
gathered in rapture
all so serenely snug.

Momentarily stunned
at the disorder I saw.
Could only stare for a bit
then rubbed my jaw.

What power arose
still lingering in the air.
Ahh, evidence drifting
a single strand of hair.

Wafting scents erupted
seemingly headed higher.
Got cha, could only be
a lovely visit from Naia.

As I smiled in approval
poems resumed their place
but it took a little while
grins still on their face.

Tho order be restored
I'm asked questions and such,
"when might she return
we all enjoyed her so much."

So, dear lady, I
invite you to be our guest
feel free to return, anytime
at all of our request.

Del Cano 2005 February

from Naia

Beautiful poem you've written, Spencer, and
so I offer this back to you, and to let you know
how blessed I am to see the you within.

I stumbled in by accident
and found this majick dwelling . . .

the love and warmth contained within
your open arms, compelling.

You honored me, though I didn't know
until last night's revealing . . .

that you'd read my words and seen my art
somehow it seems appealing.

And now you've shared with me, in turn,
the light that shines within . . .

by inviting me to view your soul
thus setting me to spin.

You write in ways most intimate
your words a fervent song . . .

I'm blessed to know the fire within
yes, nothing's right, nor wrong.

Too many squelch their deep desires
'tis such a tragic thing . . .

to turn cold shoulder to a mate
can hurt with such a sting.

The answers are there to plainly see
so clear from the very start . . .

Enter not this world of bliss
by holding back your heart.

Naia 2005







Anonymous said...

Beautiful collaboration, my dear.....the clone forms daily...;)


Anonymous said...

Awwwwwww this one's sweet and warm through and through. So YOU Spennie :)
Loving and welcoming like you.