Monday, February 21, 2005

Back To Youth


the silk of your skin
forever tells the truth
heartbeats, like yesterdays,
tingles me back to youth

vapors from the storm
created from within
clamors for relief
as you touch my skin


the rising tide mixed
with ever growing lust
excruciating desire
wanting you, a must

the shortness of breath
with its panting sort of tune
sings notes to the song
a capella duet coming soon


each increasing wave
tossing sensuality's feast
a salad of ecstasies mixed
served for reveries increase

murmurring chants
bodies flailing thresh
praying to the gods
of burning heaving flesh


in sensation's grip
violent pulsation
wears to a calm
of pleasant sedation

flashing moments
blinding starry lights
scale the heavens of
true passions delight


of all the needy whims
lust paid the fee and toll
worshipping the idol of you
buried within the soul


the silk of your skin
forever tells the truth
heartbeats, like yesterdays,
tingles me back to youth

Del Cano 2005 Febraury





Anonymous said...

This is absolutely wonderful, so romantic, so erotic.  I love its meter, how you have to pause at each significant verb.  Have you been published?

Anonymous said...

A flow of words that stream into the mind. That is what your poetry represents to me. Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I am speechless!

Anonymous said...


This is beautiful, refreshing.  It's a renewal to the soul and spirit.  Really enjoyed

the rising tide mixed
with ever growing lust
excruciating desire
wanting you, a must

the shortness of breath
with its panting sort of tune
sings notes to the song
a capella duet coming soon


Anonymous said...


so glad you stopped in and hope you are inspired enough to return regularly.
No, I am not published but will make that a goal a bit later. Right now my "platter"
is overflowing and don't feel I could add more.
Thanks. Appreciate your visit.


Anonymous said...


I treasure your visits and look forward with each new entry for your name. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Come on Jennifer. Speechless will not do. At least groan or moan or something. (smile) thanks for stopping to visit. I do hope you come back.


Anonymous said...

Ms Scott,

Your words bring smiles to my face. Real glad to see you visit me here
and I do look forward to your return. (Often)
Ta Ta

Anonymous said...


the trace of damp
slides between the song
of sighs, bearing slumber
to satiation's door.....


Anonymous said...

Hi Spencer,

For all the reasons you already know, this poem, Back to Youth, is very special for me.  It is a classic, and truly your masterpiece as far as I am concerned.   This morning's warm, soft rain, your poem, and a cup of tea are perfect companions this morning.  Lovely words.


Anonymous said...

Love the style. very powerful. The one word leading the next few verses to come. Flows like a river.
Love you Spennie :)