Monday, August 23, 2004

Might I Submit

Ooo, might I submit
the thought is not old
fluid dreams demand
that you have control.

Never lose sight of treasures
buried so deep in your will
my anticipation's delight
grows to a stuffed swill.

Gasping for that first breath
after the soft whisper of pain
peaks rising to descend
begging you to do it again.

DelCano 2004 August


Anonymous said...

Thought I had submitted
but can't find not one sign
that the poem was ever here
might I have lost my mind.

But then you even said
you commented on it too
Hmm, perhaps not only me
I am nutty. What about you.

Anonymous said...

A pleasureable pain
is felt as your need
but what you need now
is to breathe, man, breathe!!

Demanded.  *Wink!*

A delicious submission....
