Oh, please kiss me
even tho you find me not
That kiss can be handled
with the love you've got
Please hold me 'bout the shoulders
and sway me through the night.
You know the way I like your touch,
strong and sure, yet light.
Kiss me in the wind
for the breeze carry
all the intent and passion
as I stare and tarry.
Permit me, dear, to savor
the softness of your breath
floating past my eyelashes
as I sway in your caress.
Close your eyes to kiss
so we can meet in the clear
Dawn is unfolding right now
bringing your kiss right here.
How can fantasy be so real?
I've asked you this before.
Don't answer now, my darling,
let's dream, just a little more.
Del Cano 2006 October
Naia, October 2006