I would love respondants to write a poem and post it here as a comment. I have had this idea as a write for what seems like ages but my muse has failed to be kind. Auburn Dawn suggested .... wait, I'll just paste her words:
My buddy, Spencer, loves poetry and has a fine poetry journal. Recently he asked me to collaborate on writing a poem with the theme of "If I were poetry". Well, the wheels just started spinning in my little ole head and I could imagine all the poems that could come from that theme, funny, touching, deep, enlightening.... hmmm.
And wow... what could other people come up with if they wrote on the same theme? So, Spencer and I decided to throw out an invite to all the J-landers out there to write a poem, post it in their journal, and drop a link in Spencers Journal so we can see what everyone came up with! Not a poet? Well, give it a try anyway... who knows, ya might find your calling. ;)
Here's Spencer's Place. Drop a link to your creation here. The deadline for the link submission is June 22nd (next Wednesday) and we look forward to seeing ya'll there!
Thank you
Got this lovely write from Acrylic Stains
If I were Poetry....
I would start with "The"
And tell a story
Using syntax and dangling participles
Slide into a person, place, or thing
Where sunshine and laughter is contagious
I would end with a memory,
If I were Poetry....
I'd gather words in a bucket
Sprinkle them like wildflowers on a page
That blooms endlessly before you
In colors of lavender and sage
Sprouting from the grains of textured Chinese paper.
If I were poetry....
You would want to fold the poem in your wallet
And Save it until you turned old and gray
Only showing those who love you
The ink of calligraphy
If I were Poetry...
The End.
Renee' Corvin 2005
If I were Poetry - #1
If I were poetry
in lotion’s frothy
bubble bath play
rubber-ducky croons
quaking water log
of notes best lost
to why I would be
A heart felt thanks to each and everyone of you who wrote and/or read a verse with the theme of "If I Were Poetry". I also thank Dawn for helping to get this off to a fantastic start. Perhaps others will do the same and more of us who love poetry will interact and find each other.
Blessings to all